T-Shirt Purchase
T-Shirt Purchase
Sardis T-shirts are Short-Sleeve, 100% cotton, and true to size. Be sure to order more than one!
First & Last Name (Required)  * 
Contact Phone Number (for verifying orders if questions)
Choose 1st Shirt Style/Color  * 
Choose 1st Shirt Size
Choose 2nd Shirt Style/Color
Choose 2nd Shirt Size
Choose 3rd Shirt Style/Color
Choose 3rd Shirt Size
The T-shirt campaign is a continual fund-raiser for Sardis Children and Youth Ministries used throughout the year to help fund activities. Please enter any additional donations here (optional.) $ 
Please double check your shirt selection and size. After completing your T-Shirt order, select Continue and you will be directed to payment options. Please have your debit or credit card ready.
Your Email Address  * 
Total $
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